
Tabriz carpet weaving system


What is Raj and Rajshmar?
The quality of a hand-woven carpet depends on the amount and number of knots that are woven in a certain scale, and it is referred to as density. Density is one of the key points to determine the quality and value of a hand-woven carpet, and the row is one of the scales for measuring the density of a hand-woven carpet. Is. This measuring scale is as old as the history of carpet weaving in Iran, and it is interesting to know that its concept is mixed with the measuring scale called Zar.

Raj in Tabriz woven carpet means a knot, but to understand the concept of Rajshmar, we must first get acquainted with the measurement scale of zara. Tabriz is one of the cities that is famous for having exquisite handwoven carpets, and the zara scale entered Iran’s handwoven carpets from Tabriz. Tabrizi carpet weavers measure the number of knots on a certain scale to determine the density of the carpet texture, and the yardstick is the basis of this measurement.

Each inch in Tabriz is equal to 112 cm. To measure the number of carpet knots, they use 1.16 degrees (112 cm is divided by 16, the result is 7 cm), that is, in Tabriz carpet, the number of knots is counted in every 7 cm, so in woven carpet, every Rajshmar of Tabriz (woven Turkish carpets) is equivalent to 7 cm and the more knots in this seven cm, the more dense the carpet is and as a result, it will be more exquisite and valuable.

How to count reg
Calculating the number of carpet knots is not a difficult task. For this purpose, it is enough to use a ruler on the back of the carpet and carefully count the number of knots in 7 cm; The carpet will tell you in its own language how exquisite it is. This counting should be done in the width of the carpet. Since the carpet is woven transversely, it is better to count the counters across the width of the carpet. Remember that the higher the number of threads in different parts of the carpet, the higher the quality and uniformity of the texture of the carpet.

Raj Shamar Farsh of Tabriz
As it was said, the number of rows (knots) in each thread indicates whether the carpet is finely woven or coarsely woven. In coarse woven carpets, fewer knots are woven in seven centimeters and the number of knots is less than 40 knots. As a result, the carpet is dense. It is lower and its value is reduced compared to fine woven carpet.

Persian knot
It is a knot that is used by carpet weavers in Persian-speaking regions such as Arak, Mashhad, Birjand, Kerman, Isfahan, Nain, Kashan, and Qom. Contrary to popular belief, Sanandaj rugs are woven with Turkish knots

How to calculate knots in Kashan handwoven carpet
This term is used in the type of carpet knot counting in Kashan and Isfahan carpets, every ten rows (knots) of one house are counted. That is, half the width of the carpet is considered and the number of knots is counted. For example, 420 counted nodes are equivalent to 42 houses or 560 counted nodes are equivalent to 56 houses.
42 houses equal to 30 rows
45 houses equal to 35 raj
56 houses equal to 40 raj
66 houses equal to 50 raj

The materials used in Kashan carpets are wool or fluff. Of course, wool and silk or fluff and silk are used in the pile weave on the carpet. In general, the weaving system of Kashan (house) carpets is based on the materials used and according to the size of the carpet, it can be classified as follows.
The materials used are wool
Size 6 meters 42 houses
Size 9 meters 52 houses
Size 12 meters, 60 houses

The materials used are crack
Size 6 meters, 52 houses
Size 9 meters, 64 houses
Size: 12 meters, 72 houses

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